Shikata Ga Nai

Private? There is no such things.

Cyber Kill Chainの攻撃と防御についてかいてみた②

Hello there, ('ω')ノ


Cyber Kill Chainの残りのステップについて。

Cyber Kill Chainのどこかで食い止めれば攻撃は達成できないわけで。




5.Installation(インストール) ⇦ Goal:Gain Persistant Access

  ┗ Payload Injected After the Exploit Gain Better Access



  - DLL Hijacking

  - Meterpreter

  - RAT(Remote Access Tools)

  - Registry Changes

  - Powershell Commands


 Defensive [Protect]

  - Linux    :Chroot

  - Windows:Disable Powershell


 Defensive [Detect]

  - UBA(User Behavior Analysis) / EDR


 Defensive [Respond]

  - Follow INcident Response SOPs(Standard Operating Procedures)

   ┗ Device ID(デバイス)⇨ Isolate(隔離)⇨ Wipe(消去)


 Defensive [Recover]

  - Restore or Reimage

6.Command and Control(コマンド&コントロール)⇦ SLL Deep Packet Inspection

  ┗ Remote Control of the System by the Attacker



  - Meterpreter


 Defensive [Isolate(隔離) ⇨ Protect(保護) ⇨ Detect(検出)]

  - Network Segmentation

  - Micro Segmentation

  - NSFW(Not Safe For Work):C&C Blocking

  - DNS Redirect

  - Application Control

  - IOC(Indicator of Compromise)⇦ セキュリティ侵害インジケーター

7.Actions on OBject(目的の実行)

  ┗ Attacker Executes Desired Action



  - Financial(財政的)

  - Political(政治的)

  - Espionage(スパイ活動)

  - Malicious Insider(悪意のあるインサイダー)

  - Lateral Movement(横方向への移動)


 Defensive [Exfiltrate Data(データの抽出)]

  - DLP(Data Leakage Prevention)⇦ データの情報漏洩対策 

  - UBA(User Behavior Analysis) ⇦ ユーザの行動分析


 Defensive [Lateral Movement(横方向への移動)]

  - Network Segmentation

Best regards, ('ω')ノ